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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Liu Jianchao's Remarks on US presidential Candidate McCain's Meeting with Dalai
2008-07-28 00:00

Q: It is reported that US presidential candidate McCain met with Dalai on July 25 during Dalai's visit to the US. What's your comment on this?

A: We express our deep concern about the report. The Tibet issue is China's internal affairs. China opposes Dalai's separatist activities in any country in any capacity and opposes anyone using the Dalai issue to interfere in China's internal affairs. Our position is clear and consistent.

We urge relevant people in US to abide by the fundamental rules of international relations, recognize the true nature of Dalai who is engaged in splitting activities aiming to disrupt social stability and national unity in Tibet under the guise of religion, stop supporting or conniving with Dalai and Tibetan separatist forces in any forms, and refrain from interfering with China's internal affairs and undermining the China-US relations.

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