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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin’s Regular Press Conference on August 22, 2023
2023-08-22 18:27

CCTV: The plenary meeting of the Central American Parliament on August 21 local time adopted the resolution of revoking the “permanent observer status” of the so-called “Legislative Yuan” of the Taiwan region and accepting the National People’s Congress of China as a permanent observer. What’s China’s comment? Will China consider becoming a permanent observer of the Central American Parliament?

Wang Wenbin: China welcomes and commends the resolution of the Central American Parliament to revoke the “permanent observer status” of the so-called “Legislative Yuan” of the Taiwan region and accept the National People’s Congress of China as a permanent observer. This again shows that the one-China principle represents the unstoppable trend of the times and has the overwhelming support of the people. China stands ready to develop friendly cooperation with the Central American Parliament on the basis of the one-China principle.

Bloomberg: Japan announced today that it would begin releasing Fukushima waste water from as early as August 24. What is China’s response and will it take any further action on Japan or Japanese goods in the aftermath of the decision?

Wang Wenbin: In disregard of the strong concerns and firm opposition from the international community, the Japanese government announced the decision to start releasing the Fukushima nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean from August 24. This is extremely selfish and irresponsible, as the discharge will spread the risks of nuclear contamination to the rest of the world, and by doing so, Japan is putting its selfish interests above the long-term wellbeing of the entire humanity. China is gravely concerned and strongly opposed to this. We have made serious démarches to Japan.

For the past two years and more, the legitimacy, legality and safety of Japan’s ocean discharge plan has been questioned over and over again by the international community. Japan has yet to address major international concerns such as the long-term reliability of the purification facility, the authenticity and accuracy of the nuclear-contaminated water data, and the effectiveness of the monitoring arrangement. China and other stakeholders have pointed out on multiple occasions that if the Fukushima nuclear-contaminated water is truly safe, Japan wouldn’t have to dump it into the sea—and certainly shouldn’t if it’s not. It is unjustified, unreasonable and unnecessary for Japan to push through the ocean discharge plan.

Regrettably, Japan has given scarce response to international concerns. It has been trying to create an impression that the ocean discharge is safe and harmless. It has even made unfounded accusations against neighboring countries who have expressed legitimate concerns. All of this has caused outrage among people in neighboring countries and in Japan.

The ocean sustains humanity. It is not a sewer for Japan’s nuclear-contaminated water. China strongly urges Japan to stop its wrongdoing, cancel the ocean discharge plan, communicate with neighboring countries with sincerity and good will, dispose of the nuclear-contaminated water in a responsible manner and accept rigorous international oversight. China will take all steps necessary to protect the marine environment, ensure food safety and safeguard people’s life and health.

China News Service: On August 21 local time, giant panda cub Xiao Qi Ji turned three in the US. The National Zoo at Washington DC organized a “birthday party” for him. Many visitors came to celebrate his birthday. Do you have any comment on this?

Wang Wenbin: We are glad that Xiao Qi Ji had a happy third birthday. Based on what we have learned from relevant authorities, the three giant pandas at the National Zoo in Washington—Mei Xiang, Tian Tian and Xiao Qi Ji—will return to China at the end of this year as previously scheduled.

Since China and the United States began cooperation on giant panda conservation and research in 2000, we have achieved good results in conservation and breeding, disease prevention and control, technical exchanges and public awareness. This has played a positive role in protecting endangered species and enhancing the friendship between the Chinese and American people. Since the cooperation began, Mei Xiang and Tian Tian have given birth to four cubs, creating joy for the American people and bringing hearts closer between our two peoples. In particular, the birth of Xiao Qi Ji, whose name means “little miracle”, during the pandemic, brought encouraging news to panda lovers all over the world.

The family of three is overall in good health. The zoo provides professional treatment and care for the ones with common diseases of elderly pandas. China and the US are going through the relevant procedures and preparing for the transportation to ensure that the panda family will have a safe journey home.

Giant pandas are China’s national treasures and messengers of friendship in China’s cultural exchanges with the rest of the world. China is engaged in collaborative research on the conservation of giant pandas with 22 organizations in 19 countries, including the US. Such cooperation plays an important role in the conservation of pandas. There are currently 65 giant pandas outside China. Those exchanges and cooperation not only help overcome the technical difficulties in the protection and breeding of giant pandas, but also provide people in other countries knowledge about what has been achieved in giant panda protection and expand people-to-people exchanges. Available data shows that around the world, more than 1 billion tourists have viewed giant pandas, and hundreds of events for people-to-people exchanges on giant pandas have been organized. While bringing joy to people all over the world, giant pandas have also played a unique role in raising public awareness of wildlife conservation and promoting friendly people-to-people exchanges between China and the world.  

Reuters: It’s been reported that UK Foreign Minister James Cleverly will visit China at the end of this month. Can the foreign ministry confirm the schedule for this visit and let us know China’s hopes and expectations for this visit?

Wang Wenbin: China values growing stable and mutually beneficial relations with the UK and we are open to strengthening bilateral exchanges with the UK. For information about the visit, you may follow our ministry’s website.

The Paper: On August 22, Cambodia’s National Assembly elected Khuon Sudary as its new President and approved members of the new cabinet headed by Hun Manet as the Prime Minister, marking the official formation of the country’s new government. What’s China’s comment? What’s your expectation for the future growth of China-Cambodia ties?

Wang Wenbin: We extend warm congratulations to Cambodia’s newly-elected National Assembly and newly-formed government. We believe that under the leadership of Prime Minister Hun Manet, the new government will achieve greater succe